Breast Aesthetics
Considered a symbol of femininity, the breast, taken into account from an aesthetic point of view, is one of the most important aspects of aesthetic completeness.
Considered a symbol of femininity, the breast, taken into account from an aesthetic point of view, is one of the most important aspects of aesthetic completeness.
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery operation allowing a reshaping of the silhouette by the suction of rebellious and deep fatty deposits resistant to slimming regimes.
Eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is a surgical procedure performed in which excess fat, skin, and muscle are removed from the upper and lower eyelids.
Gynecomastia is the name given to cases where men's breasts develop similarly to women's breasts due to weight gain and higher than normal hormone levels.
In modern aesthetics and in improving the quality of life, the ideal male appearance translates into a fit body.
Rhinoplasty is surgery to change the shape and size of the nose.
Abdominoplasty is a surgical operation of the lower and middle abdomen that corrects the disfavour of the stomach, whether it is excess fat or skin or muscle alterations.
Many women desire an appearance of a larger, shapelier and more attractive behind. Recently, trends have shifted towards more a curvaceous body contour, as a symbol of sensuality and sexual appeal.
Over time the impact of sun exposure, the stresses of everyday life and gravity start to appear on our faces. These aging signs are manifested in deep creases, slackness of the jaw line and folds and fat deposits on the neck.
Vagionoplasty implies a procedure that is performed to eliminate abnormal relaxation and loss of elasticity in vagina due to aging, delivery, gynecologic interventions and so on. The procedure is also known as vaginal tightening, vagina tightening and vaginal reconstruction.
Cosmetic surgery is a very popular specialty.
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